Courtesy Meeting between EuroCham and H.E. Bundit Sapheacha Dr. SOK Siphana

18 Jan 2024 | Trade Policy Past Meetings

Last modified date: 18 Jan 2024

Duration: 2 hours

On 10 January, EuroCham Chairman Tassilo Brinzer and the EuroCham team met with H.E. Prof. Bundit Sapheacha Dr. SOK Siphana, Senior Minister in Charge of Special Mission (Multilateral Trade and Economic Affairs) at the Peace Palace to discuss a range of economic topics, highlighting recent progress made by the Royal Government of Cambodia and identifying areas where improvements could be made.

Key Takeaways from the meeting:

One of EuroCham’s priorities is inviting more EU businesses in the region to Cambodia, strengthening ties with EU companies that are already familiar with the Asian markets. Streamlining administrative processes regulating businesses and offering more transparent guidelines in English could also entice more international companies to do business in Cambodia.

A collaborative spirit between locally operated businesses would allow for stronger local representation in the national economy, opening the door for local companies to more effectively compete with multinationals. The ongoing formalisation of business activity and an increase of compliant companies would also help local businesses grow and succeed.

Instead of prioritising singular sectors or initiatives, a multi-pronged approach highlighting all of Cambodia’s potential growth sectors could be beneficial, including tourism, electronics manufacturing, and agricultural production.

Thank you H.E. Prof. Bundit Sapheacha Dr. SOK Siphana and your team for your time and we look forward to meeting again!