Tax Committee Meeting on 13 of June 2023

13 Jun 2023 | Tax Past Meetings

Last modified date: 14 Dec 2023

Duration: 1 hour 

On Tuesday 13th June, the EuroCham Tax Committee held their second meeting of the year to discuss the current tax system and its challenges.

Key points from the meeting: 

The committee is organizing a Breakfast talk on the latest tax updates on Friday, 14 July. A key topic will be covering the impact of the new Draft Law of Taxation to on the private sector.

EuroCham Tax Forum 2023: After the success of last year’s tax forum, the committee is considering to run it back, focusing on upcoming tax laws.

2024 White Book: The 2024 White Book Chapter on Tax and Investment has been drafted, and offers recommendations on Stamp Duties on Share Capital Increase, Voluntary Disclosures, Value-Added Tax Provisions, Unfair Tax Treatment of Seniority Indemnity Payments, and Incentives for Qualified Investment Projects.

The 2024 White Book will be officially launched in September. Stay tuned for more EuroCham updates on the tax sector!