Tax Committee Meeting on the 24th February 2024

23 Apr 2024 | Tax Past Meetings

Last modified date: 23 Apr 2024

Duration: 1 hour 

On 24th February 2024, Tax Committee led by Dr. Antoine Fontaine, Co-Chair of Committee met to discuss several tax related issues for the second time of the year. Here are the key takeaways:

Tax-related issues: To promote fairness and efficiency within the taxation system,  our committee has been diligently working on drafting new white book recommendations on six (6) issues; (1) Extension of former tax liability; (2) Simplification of VAT refund system; (3) Implement a system that promptly notifies taxpayers of any irregularities in VAT system; (4) Right to make a mistake in tax matter; (5) Allow taxpayers the benefit of the doubt in instances where they demonstrate good faith and lastly (6) Publication of the decision/interpretation/ruling of the GDT on specific tax provision. 

Tax Newsletter Updates: In an effort to enhance engagement and knowledge sharing about the tax latest update or regulation, our committee members have devised a rotational system wherein each committee member will take turns providing a tax-related update within the EuroCham Newsletter. 

Tax Forum 2024: Our committee is excited to inform you about the upcoming Tax Forum 2024, scheduled to take place on Thursday 20th June 2024. This year’s forum will be a unique opportunity to bring together tax professional expert and stakeholder to discuss and navigate the evolving tax issue. More details and the agenda will be available soon on our website. Make sure to mark your calendars and secure your spot for this must-attend event to better comprehend the latest regulations.