Transport & Logistics Committee Meeting on Friday, 15th December 2023

12 Dec 2023 | Transport & Logistics Past Meetings

Last modified date: 4 Jan 2024

Duration: 1 hour 

EuroCham’s Transport & Logistics Committee, chaired by Mr. Bunthan Suy, held its last committee meeting of the year to discuss the following topics:

Pre-arrival processing: Mr. Suy offered updates on the Ministry of Economy and Finance Prakas on Cargo Declaration and Pre-arrival processing. He encouraged all members to explore the implications of these new changes within their respective companies to test their readiness to adapt. After thorough analysis, these issues we considered ‘partially resolved’ in our 2024 White Book recommendations on ‘Pre-Arrival Processing’ Pre-Arrival Processing REF#7106 | EuroCham WhiteBook (

National Road Safety Plan: the committee discussed the National Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030’ that was launched on the 30th of November 2023. We recognized the effort made by the Cambodian government to increase road safety; however, the committee is still concerned as ‘truck safety’ is not specifically included in the rules or initiatives.

Upcoming Event: The committee members talked about the idea of holding the Transport & Logistics Forum in 2024 after its success in 2023. The committee will hold another specific meeting to discuss the scope and agenda for this event.